Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cold Remedies?

Anyone else have any good cold remedies? I've caught that nasty cold again and it will probably be around for about two weeks. Someone told me that someone told them (Does that remind you of a Friends episode?) to drink lemon juice and honey. Any other good home remedies that anyone knows about? I would much rather have this go away sooner than later. :)


Schneidy said...

Take vitamin C and zinc, drink plenty of clear fluids(especially water or hot tea, and above all - rest A LOT (a good time for husbands to help out more). I really like Alkaseltzer Plus and Dayquil (the generic kind is good too) to relieve symptoms. I get 1 or 2 colds every school year but they only last about 4 days because I make such an effort to rest and get well. Get well soon!

It"s me said...

You know.. I really wish I did... I am always sick too! If you hear of anything that is a magical cure.. just let me know!

Jillian said...

Zicam really does work wonders! I had a doctor once tell me that you have to suck on zinc, you can't just take a zinc pill and expect it to there are lots of cough drop type things with zinc in them. Also TONS and TONS of water. Drown out that cold! :) Other then that....I'm probably not much help! Feel better!

dishes and laundry said...

I'm very late with this - you're probably feeling much better by now - but for next time...
Aleve Cold and Sinus. Best stuff our there.

Hope you are feeling better!