Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chocolate & PB

You can't go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate right?! That's one of my most favorite food groups!

I got my new Kraft Food & Family magazine in the mail the other day. (By the way, this is a FREE magazine you just go sign up for it on their website.) The Fall magazine had a recipe for Triple-Layer Peanut Butter Brownies. You don't even need to see a picture of it, you can just die and go to heaven by reading the title, but for you inquiring minds out there, here's what they look like:

I made them the other night for my friend Marci's bridal shower. Wow! They were soooo good! (And don't worry Amy, I'm bringing extra's for you to school on Tuesday when you get back.) Make sure you've got some milk in the fridge before eating because you're going to need it. A little vanilla ice cream to eat with them as well. They were so good and soft, and chewy. There are not enough words to describe the deliciousness of it. So, for you crazies out there who don't enjoy the chocolate and peanut butter...I'm sorry, because I'm convinced that is what heaven is made out of!


Anonymous said...

How do I sign up to get this magazine? I need to know how to make new things!! :)

The Sants said...

Jodi said...

A girl after my own heart! Hey, I love your blog template. Where did you find it?

The Sants said...

dishes and laundry said...

It's fall and that means I've started baking -- I think these are next on my list. YUM!

Jillian said...

I pretty much want to lick my computer screen those look so good!

The Sants said...

I give them 5 out of 5 stars! They are that good!!