Monday, March 7, 2011

Counting My Blessings

Today when I went in to see Brooklyn I found that we had a new roommate, a very tiny preemie who was born only a week ago and is in one of those incubators. As I sat there and held my sweet Brooklyn I couldn't help but think, "It could be worse." And I thought of this song: 

When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

As exhausting as it is to go back and forth to the hospital, I am so blessed to be able to go in and cuddle with my baby. We have been blessed, and Brooklyn has been blessed to not have any serious complications that are going to keep her in NICU for much longer. I am blessed because I have had numerous people tell me if I didn't have a c-section my sweet Brooklyn wouldn't B here, or would've had serious complications. I love this little blessing....all 12 pounds of her!!

Brooklyn is doing so well and we hope to have her home in about a week and a half. She gets to start eating again on Wednesday.  They will start small and work their way back up to full feedings so we don't overwhelm her system and have to go through all of this again.

Brooklyn & Lauren
Brooklyn & Uncle Josh


Caytlin said...

Nicole, she's looking so good! I love that top picture of her!! Praying for you!!

Marilee said...

Nicole, she is so cute. You look great, also. Glad all is progressing the way it should.

Brittany said...

Your post made me cry! It is soo hard to travel back and forth and not to have your new baby home with you. I remember. You are so amazing and I'm glad you have such a positive attitude, that goes a long way.

Unknown said...

Hey you guys sure now how to make the cutest baby girl. She is so cute love all the pics. I'm glad she is doing so good. I hope she can come home soon. Keep up the good work. :)