Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Falling behind

For all three of you who read my blog anymore-I apologize for the lack of blogging. These are my excuses:
1. School started
2. Grading papers
3. Coming up with behavior contracts
4. Grading papers
5. Helping (very little) Kenyan put in sprinklers-he is a trooper!
6. Grading papers
7. Playing Dr. Mario (I'm slightly addicted.)
8. Sleeping
9. Laziness
10. I'm not an eloquent writer-my blogging isn't as fun to read as others. I apologize for not being entertaining, but thanks for reading anyway.....all 3 of you!

Now, to update a little more....Kenyan and I celebrated are 2nd Anniversary on Monday. Two years doesn't seem like very much, especially after dating for 5, but it has been a wonderful two years. For your enjoyment, 10 reasons why I love Kenyan:

1. He doesn't give up.
2. He can fix things himself. (Although if we were rich, we'd definitely hire out!)
3. He is a good listener.
4. He supports me in all my crazy adventures/jobs. :)
5. He is going to be an amazing dad.
6. He likes watching (most) chick flicks with me.
7. He is witty.
8. He can always make me smile.
9. He's an outdoorsy guy. (Don't worry, I can make up my own words.)
10. He's thoughtful.

I could go on more, but I wouldn't want to get too mushy. Happy Anniversary Kenyan!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I've been reviewed!

I just got a fabulous review from The Bragging Mommy-go check it out here!