Saturday, October 24, 2009

Eye Opener

I recently got back from babysitting my nephew and 2 nieces in Oklahoma while my brother and sister-in-law took a much needed vacation. Wow!

Just in case you need an update...I have 0, nadda, none, zilch, kiddos. I went from that, to 3!

I was excited to spend time with them since I don't get to see them very often, things didn't go as planned. All 3 of them were sick! Addie got better first, but the other two got sick because of her. It is one thing to take care of 3 children, it's a different story when they're all sick.

Not to toot my own horn, but I've always thought I would be a pretty good mom. I'm used to dealing with 25 different personalities everyday. Being a mom is a whole different job: Doctor, teacher, therapist, chef, event coordinator, message deliverer, etc.

All I can say is:


And to all you single moms out there, or those whose husbands are away right now. Hang in there. You may be under-appreciated right now, but they'll thank you for it when they're older.

*And Doug and Lu, don't worry, you didn't scare me away from having kids.....I was happy to help! We had a fun time. :) Love you Dillon, Layla and Addie!


Julie said...

I love it! three is totally hard too. I'm glad you survived!

BusyBez said...

You and the kids are very cute. The photos with you and bangs threw me, you look so different.
Glad you are back.

Unknown said...

I'm proud of you Nicole. Two is hard for me, and you took care of three way to go. And you still want kids after that...WOW.

btw We miss you guys tons.

Alley Times said...

Since My husband traveled for work he missed some key dates this year: Mother's day, my b-day, and our anniversary. The only 3 days out of the entire month (May) I spent cleaning up puke and other bodily fluids in bedrooms, living room, and the van! SICK! Thank goodnes for my mom b/c she came over and helped since I was also pregnant at the time.

Lu said...

Thanks so much for taking on that daunting task for us! The kids miss you like crazy.

Happy Holidays, Guys!
