Wednesday, August 13, 2008

No pictures

Apparently I have misplaced our USB cord for the camera so can't get to any pictures because my laptop does not have a memory card slot, I could use Kenyan's, but that requires more effort and that is asking a lot right now!!

So as many of you know I am in school....let me clarify, yes-I'm teaching and going to school. :) I've been taking math classes, which is my emphasis for my Master's Degree. I have loved these classes and have been learning a lot of great ways to teach my kids math. Let's just say it is very different from the way we learned math-it uses a lot more discussion, exploration and explanation from the kids! (I know, we actually expect them to think now. It's asking a lot!)

The class that I am right now is a Geometry class, doesn't sound too bad. As a class of teachers today we were attempting to come up with definitions,that everyone agrees on, for some geometry vocabulary. Give it a try, define:




Let me know what you come up with, no cheating!

1 comment:

stephanie said...

Is it so pathetic that I don't know what any of those things are with regard to math? I never took geometry ... I'll use that as my excuse! Be sure to post what you come up with - I'm intrigued!