We found this new game called "Bang!" If you have never played it, I highly recommend it! It's a little confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, it is a lot of fun.
Here's some pictures of us ringing in the new year with a "BaNg!"
Let me ask if any of you are like this...Kenyan and I are constantly wondering what to have for dinner almost every night. Then we end up going back to the grocery store every night to get what we need for dinner. Just a pain to be running back and forth all the time.
So, the other day when I was at Target they had a pad of paper that had every day of the week listed on one side and a grocery list on the other side. Easy concept-but I didn't want to pay for it, so I made one for myself. Starting today, after getting the grocery ads in the mail, I tried to plan out meals around what was on sale and what we already have in the pantry or food storage for the next week. We will get our grocery shopping done tomorrow and be set with dinner for the next week. We are also going to try and buy a few extra cans of food each time we go grocery shopping to help build our food storage. We have "officially" started a food storage now that we have a place to store it and we started to stock up on the last case lot sale. Any other great ideas for food storage? I had a great time remembering dating cans of food for my mom after she went grocery shopping and I was doing it for my own food the other day.
My Dinner/Grocery List...Hopefully I can keep this up!
The start of our food storage...it's not a lot, but it's a start. Necessities: Yellow Death (AKA mac & cheese) and Ramen
I try to menu plan as much as possible but have been seriously slacking lately and it is no fun to go back to the store everyday with 3 kids so thanks for inspring me to do better! We are eating our food storage away so we don't have to move it in a year atleast the canned and glass stuff:]
Check out this website. I have yet to delve completely into it, but my sister-in-law swears by it.
Caitlyn, I have actually seen that website...and love it, but also so much info.!! I get a little overwhelmed looking at it. :)
Yeah for you! Your storage looks so neat.
I've tried the meal planning and grocery list to match thing before. I am just not very good at doing it consistently. Better luck to you.
You are so cute, Nicole! Yellow Death...I love it! If there were an emergency, you'll have your comfort foods, right? Eating wheat and beans wouldn't be much fun anyway:-)
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