Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our Little B is sick

Just when we were starting to think we were in the clear.....

Little Miss B is on antibiotics for the next 7 days. She has an inflammation in her bowels and they can see little gas bubbles in the lining. They have also been doing X-rays on her lower right abdomen and have seen the bubbles in there as well. (There is an actual name for this, but I don't remember what it's called at the moment.) This area is starting to look better, once it is completely cleared up they will be able to start her feedings again after 7 days (give or take a day or two) of that being cleared up. They put a PICC line back in today to give her nutritional IV feedings.

The good news is, Little Miss B is handling this all really well. It looks like they caught the infection early and she isn't having any respiratory problems or having to be on oxygen. (Kenyan and I were joking that maybe she just wanted to come home closer to her actual due date.)

It's hard to believe it was already 2 weeks ago today that she came into this world. It's been physically and emotionally exhausting to have her in the NICU, but we are so grateful for the great care she has received and we love her more and more everyday. And she just gets cuter and cuter everyday. She is truly a gift from God and we are so grateful that He has blessed our lives with her.


Heather said...

Set backs are no fun. Glad they caught it early. What a blessing. You two are so cute with her.

Jillian said...

I'm so sorry she's sick but it sounds like she's taking it like a champ! She is already so brave and so amazing for a 2 week old baby! Isn't it crazy how fast it goes?!