Thursday, October 25, 2007


I just went to Oklahoma to visit my brother (Doug), sister-in-law (LuAnn) and their two kids. It was a quick, but fun, trip. Their house is beautiful and I wish Utah had affordable houses like that! Lol.
I had a lot of fun being able to visit with them. They took me to the Cheesecake Factory and I got my first taste of Cheesecake Factory cheesecake-Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie Dough! Wow, it was very rich-make sure you have a glass of milk with you! (On a side note, for you Utahns.....our Cheesecake Factory opens up next month in the Fashion Place Mall parking lot!)
I can't believe how big my neice (Layla) and my nephew (Dillon) are getting. I got to watch Dillon at hockey practice. He was so cute all dressed in his hockey gear and skating around on the iced. He definately had the hockey stance down! He and the other kids his age were so fun to watch. Dillon got tired by the end of a practice, but for a 5-year old he hung in there pretty well.
Layla is a princess. She loves to dress up and do anything that has to do with princesses. She would always "make" me hot chocolate (Or as she says....."hot coclate.") And then I go to "drink" it and she says, "No, it's hot!" So I proceed to blow on it to cool it off and then she says, "Ok, it's warm now."
Doug has trained Layla well-she is the newest roller coaster fanatic. Doug and Lu took me to a restaurant called Pops on Route 66 because they are trying to revitalize Route 66. It is a little convenience store and a restaurant. They have all kinds of soda pop you can get in there. It was a cute place. Anyway.....after leaving we went to see the Round Barn-yes, it was really round and made out of wood. Back to Layla....we went driving to a pumpkin patch and we start going down a hill and Layla yells, "Put your hands up!" And this is how they drive around a lot of the time-Doug and Lu in the front and Dillon and Layla with their arms up in the big pretending they are on a roller coaster.
So that is pretty much the gist of the trip-and playing games at their house-"Ratatouille" is one of my new favorite games by the way. Oh, and I was excited to find out that Gummi Bears is now on dvd because Doug had the first season! Wish I could have some of that gummi berry juice!


dishes and laundry said...

I think I've heard of Pops on The Food Network. Could just just be imagining it though.

Mmmm, cheesecake! That sounds so yummy!

BusyBez said...

Yeah! More posts from you.
I love hearing about your trips. I think the Pops place is my dream come true. Lots and lots of soda, yum!
Sounds like the little ones are super cute. I'm glad you had a good time.