Sunday, February 20, 2011


I woke up a little emotional this morning knowing that I got to go home, but our Brooklyn has to stay for a little while longer. But I got up, ate some breakfast, pumped and then headed down to the NICU to see if I could make it in time for Brooklyn's 9:00 feeding. Lucky enough for me, her nurse was running a little behind.

I took Little B's temperature, changed her diaper, and then here's the best part....The nurse asked if I wanted to try breast feeding her. I told her I didn't know if I was supposed to yet because they wanted to make sure she was getting a certain measured amount at each feeding while they wait to see if her PDA closes. Since I had just pumped, she said it would be ok and it would just give B the experience of latching on.

To make a long story short, I'm 90% sure Little B will do great at breast feeding, but she was so hungry at this point she didn't really want to have anything to do with it. She was on for a little bit and we tried some little tricks with the milk, but she was just too hungry. The good news is I can start doing this with her more. After she finished eating the nurse let me hold her for about 45 minutes with just that skin-to-skin contact. We had the best cuddle time together!

And another positive update: The nurse didn't hear Little B's heart murmur this morning!! This could potentially mean that her PDA has closed. They are going to run her Echo on either Wednesday or Thursday now to see if it has closed. Yea! My testimony of prayer and fasting continues to grow everyday. Thank you everyone, our prayers are being answered.


Jillian said...

So glad to hear the good parts and still praying about the not so good ones. You're all doing wonderfully! Hang in there and she'll be home before you know it! So happy for you! :)

Ronda Batchelor said...

That's so awesome! Can't wait to see her.

Jeff and Alyssa Hertzler said...

I had to leave the hospital without Bracken and it was the weirdest/worst feeling. Hang in there and know that you will all be home together soon!

Reese said...

I fasted for you that day along with many others, and after hearing you were able to breastfeed and everything, MY testimony of fasting/prayer was strengthened! I'm SO grateful you had this sweet moment to get you through such a hard time! You're an awesome mommy!