On Tuesday, February 15th, after my mom had finished her appointment with the endocrinologist I decided I was getting tired of being all scrunched up inside this dark space. I started poking around and found that when I poked this one balloon it would get my mom all wet. This kind of freaked my mom out. I heard my mom talking to people trying to figure out what was really going on. I think my dad thought she was joking.
A lot of stuff happened from the time I started poking at the balloon. The next thing I really remember is someone's fingers touching the top of my head and telling my mom she was a 4. (If you ask me, I think my mom's a 10!) Then things kept getting tight on and off. I was being squeezed to death!! (or that's what it felt like, it kind of freaked me out a little bit.) This kept going on for a while. It stopped for a little bit and I think my mom got a chance to relax for a little bit.
I heard a doctor come in and tell my mom that she wanted to do a C-section. She told mom that she gave it good try all night, but she was starting to swell up and it would be better to do a C-section. I know my mom always tries to be brave, but I could tell she was a little emotional about this. I wish there was something I could have done to help her feel better. But my dad came to the rescue and told her she'd done her best and that they were going to have a daughter soon. (This is where I really come in.....)
The next thing I know is, my head was poking out and there were lots of people standing around. I heard my dad say, "She has hair, lots of hair!" They kept pushing on mom and pulling on me until I was free!! It was a lot brighter now, I liked it a lot better than being crammed up in that dark space. I heard all the doctors keep saying, "You made the right decision doing C-section." What's that supposed to mean? They took me over and put me on some kind of machine and said that I weighed 11 lbs. 10 oz. I'm not sure what that means, but all the doctors seemed shocked by this. I don't know why they were so shocked, my dad seemed really happy to see me. He took me over by mom so my mom could see what a good job she had done. I could tell my mom was really happy to see me too, which is funny because I think she might have been crying too.
Then this nurse came and took me away from my mom and dad. They took me to a special room and got me hooked up to all sorts of things. I heard them say my pancreas was working over time to help out mom, so now it has to get used to just helping out me. They took an x-ray of my right clavicle because I wasn't moving my arm, but I was just tired. The x-ray came back fine....see, I told you I was just tired. They are also checking some things with my heart to make sure it's ok. I have a lot of great people taking care of me, but I have to admit, I can't wait to just be with my mom and dad.
(**Update from mom: Brooklyn is doing well. She might have to be in NICU for up to two weeks. They're doing a few more images of her heart and sending those to the doctor's at Primary Children's-just making sure everything is looking ok and is doing what it's supposed to. Her blood sugars are starting to stabilize, which is great news!)
So good to hear you are doing ok! She is adorable and I can't wait to squeeze those little cheeks!
Congrats! So glad things went well and she is here :)
Congratulations! Look at her! She's finally here. I am so happy for you and your family. She could not have come to a better family!
Love ya!
HOLY COW!!! Now that's a good sized baby! Congrats and she is sooo beautiful!
I loved reading this. You are so creative. She looks perfect! Great work Nicole. I told the girls last night at mutual and they were so excited for you. Get lots of rest and let me know when/how I can help.
Aw welcome to the world brave one! You're beautiful!
she is so cute! i love how she already has rolls and chubby cheeks that most babies take months to get! so glad everyone is doing well.
Love hearing Brooklyn's story! :) So excited for all of you! Nicole you are a champion! You are all in our prayers for speedy recoveries! Love you!
Congratulations!!! What a cutie!! :)
So fun to hear about the whole crazy experience! She's beautiful!
Congratulations again! She's beautiful.
I love love love how you wrote it in her voice. I had no idea all that you have been going through. So glad your wonderful girl is here and doing good now. So proud of you Nicole and all you have had to go through. What a strong, amazing and beautiful daughter you have.
Good work Nicole (and Kenyan!) You were a great team and she is beautiful!
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