Monday, September 1, 2008


My little sister Brittany and her husband are in town for the weekend so we went over to my mom and dad's house last night to play games with them.

We played this new game with them called "Hilarium."

Here's the gist of the game: Each player starts with 5 cards and then you all begin to act out what it says on your card. The key is: ALL. Every player is trying to act out their cards so they can try to find the other person who has their card. For example, "A bellydancer", so I had to act out belly dancing and try to find someone else who is acting out this same card. You can talk and make noises, you just can't say what's on your card. Apparently Brittany didn't understand this concept the first couple rounds, lol. (We love you Beej!)
Brittany would act out the card and say it at the same time. So she had a card that said "Digging a hole" and so she acted it out as she said, "I'm digging a hole, digging a hole." The funny thing is, it didn't click for the rest of us what she was even doing until after the first couple rounds.
Maybe you had to be there, but it was really funny. I was laughing so hard at some points that I was crying. Just imagine trying to act out the card: "A constipated chicken"


Anna said...

I don't know your email so email me and then I will respond with my number: It would be fun to see you guys if you get a chance.

Anonymous said...

So weird! I was thinking about you the other excited to check out your blog and see what fun things have been going on in your life!

Jillian said...

A constipated chicken?! I would pay money to see you act that out. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm blonde...give me a break :)

Shanda Mattsson said...

is a constipated chicken really one of the cards? That is funny! We always play games with my husbands family...we should buy this one and try it. Thanks for sharing. I am going to love your blog!